MIO Layout

In 1950 social scientist visionary Alex Toffler, forecast that America would move from an industrial to service society.  Rad Jones, MIO System president, after reading Toffler’s book was able to purchase track and engine/car facilities from various railroads in the Midwest with the idea of selling railroad services in the future.  He decided to call his company the Move It On Railroad System (MIO) since the business objective was to move freight and passengers for various railroads for a fee.  Total Service is the MIO motto.  The MIO System provides mainline and supporting services to a number of railroad systems and communities.  MIO is the Communities’ Link to Outside Markets.”

Railroad terminals in Chicago and Pontiac are owned by the New York Central and locomotive servicing, track maintenance, and related facilities are owned and managed by MIO Systems.  The period is the fall of 1968 following the merger of the New York Central and Pennsylvania Railroad into the Penn Central on Jan. 31, 1968.


The MIO System is freelance, based loosely on the New York Central and includes towns, which hold special memories or significance. As an agent with the U.S. Secret Service many of these towns were visited during investigative road trips or during Presidential security advance work.  Others are located in and around Rad’s hometown in Hillsdale County, Michigan.  Industries and shops are named for friends and family members.